Chihuahua, Chih., September 21, 2022.
Dear friends and clients,
We inform you that if during this fiscal year 2022 your Company has made changes in it’s (i) Partners/Shareholders, or (ii) members of the Board of Directors/Managers or Sole Administrator/Manager, it may be necessary to update its accounting in order to comply with the obligations set forth in the tax reform regarding the Controlling Beneficiary.
This law firm recommends reviewing whether, as a result of the Meetings held by the Company during fiscal year 2022, the person who should be considered as the Company’s Controlling Beneficiary has changed; since the here in will require to update the accounting documents, as provided in the Federal Fiscal Code (CFF) and in the corresponding provisions of the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2022 (RFM), and thus be prepared for a possible request of information from the tax authority.
Pursuant the provisions of the CFF and the RMF, the Companies must (i) identify, according to the criteria established by the tax authority, who should be considered as the Controlling Beneficiary; and (ii) obtain and keep, as part of the records, their complete and updated information, and if applicable, provide it to the Tax Administration Service (SAT), when required.
Therefore, if there was any changes regarding the company´s shareholders and/or board members, we emphasize the importance of analyzing who will now be considered as controlling beneficiary and determine the necessary steps to follow, in order to comply with the applicable regulations.
For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Rolando Castellanos Macal at; and Jorge Almanza Rios at